Pre-K is Out of This World!
Sensory activities are terrific opportunities for young children to stimulate and develop their senses. The Sand and Water interest area helps promote sensory skills while helping children relax and self-regulate. This area should focus on play with sand, water, sensory sand, or similar suitable materials. Students should also have accessibility to tools such as pails and shovels, sand molds, water wheels, etc. These open-ended tools provide opportunities for students to explore and experiment. Foods such as rice and pasta are not recommended for use in this area as they are not culturally appropriate. If possible, this area should be placed away from carpet/rugs to allow for easier cleanup. For safety purposes, be sure to keep the lid on the sand and water table when not in use, and do not use the lid as a storage area for files or other classroom materials. Additionally, remember that water must be changed daily. The sand and water area is a Creative Curriculum and ECERS-3 required center.