• To Be Successful in Fifth Grade~

    Set goals—Set daily, weekly and even yearly goals.  Plan how you are going to achieve these goals and then evaluate yourself as you go along.

    Manage your time—Use your time wisely both during and after school hours. Don’t put homework off until the last minute.

    Use your planner —A planner can help with time management and keeping track of assignments.  Fill it in daily and have your parents review it on a nightly basis.

    Develop a study plan—Decide when, where, how long, and in what order subjects should be studied.  

    Be prepared—Mark upcoming test dates in your planner and check the fifth-grade homework webpage.  Create your own “practice” test questions. Review notes with another person.  Memorize facts and formulas, and relate learning to things you already know. Make sure you have all the supplies you need to fulfill the requirements for each assignment.

    Avoid stressful school situations—Make sure you have all your homework and other necessary materials before you leave school.  Get ready for the next day five or 10 minutes before bedtime. Don’t wait until the morning to try and remember everything that needs to be returned to school or must be signed by your parents.

    Listen and follow directions—A large portion of what it takes to be successful is as simple as listening and following directions.  Paying attention in class allows you to better understand directions.

    Solve conflicts with others peacefully—It’s okay to disagree, but it’s not okay to become verbally or physically abusive.  Harassment is NOT allowed. Talk to the people involved. Ask for explanations regarding their actions.  Tell people how you are feeling in a non-threatening way. Think about how you can resolve the problem.  You can also seek an adult to help you work through any conflicts.

    Accept responsibility—Understand that your actions may have consequences, both good and bad.  Don’t make excuses, make good choices.