- Richland Elementary
- Welcome
Chick, Allyson
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Welcome to Ms.Chick's CLUE Class!

Phone: (901)416-2148
Degrees and Certifications:
Gifted Certification Masters in Instruction and Curriculum National Board Certified Teacher Bachelors in Elementary Education, Grades 1-8
Ms. Allyson R. Chick, NBCT
I have been teaching for 20 years, 18 in the general education setting for grades 1-5. I am thrilled to be teaching intermediate CLUE (Creative Learning in a Unique Environment) at Richland! I look forward to seeing each one of my students grow academically, socially, and emotionally. I love teaching and I am crazy about my students! I feel lucky to get to come to school every day.
My Education and Professional Background
My background includes certification and experience in both general and special education. I received my B.S.Ed. from the University of Memphis and MS. Ed from Walden University. I earned National Board Certification in Middle Childhood from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards in 2006 and renewed in 2016. I am a state-trained mentor for current National Board candidates.
Other Interests
When I am not at school, I love spending time with family and friends. I can often be found on the Greenline or at Shelby Farms. I enjoy walking/hiking and cycling. I enjoy traveling, theater, and watching movies. I love reading, listening to live music, and trying new restaurants. I have one fur kid named Oliver. He is very spoiled!