Phone: 901-416-2148


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, Grades 1-8 University of Memphis

Angela McClusky

Welcome to 5th grade!

A Little Bit About Myself

I received my bachelor's degree from the University of Memphis.  This is my 5th year teaching math and social studies at Richland but I did my student teaching at Richland back in 2001.  After graduating, I taught middle school social studies and reading for several years. I taught 5th grade at Sharpe Elementary for 6 years. I have been married to Tony for 26 years and we have three amazing kids. Justin, who has graduated from college and is now in medical school. Katherine, who is in her 3rd year of college, and Charlie, who is a freshman at CBHS. 

When I am not teaching math, I am on the tennis courts. I love practicing and playing any chance I can get.  I also love relaxing by the pool and painting college mascots and other inspirations for others to enjoy in their homes. I love going to the beach and spending time with my family.  My personal goal for the 2024-2025 year is traveling more. 

I enjoy getting my nails done, ordering takeout, binge watching my favorite shows and Diet Dr. Pepper! I am so excited to be teaching 5th Grade at Richland!

I am part of a two-man team:

McClusky- Math and Social Studies

Reed- ELA and Science