No Threats
  • Superintendent Ray hosted a news conference October 23 to launch a new campaign that aims to educate the public about the serious consequences of making threats. The announcement took place on Unity Day, the national day of awareness for bullying prevention. Understanding that bullying is often a root cause of threats and violent behaviors, Dr. Ray and local law enforcement agencies stood together to show their commitment to supporting our students and helping to protect our schools.

    Since the start of the school year, there have been 230 incidents categorized as threats involving our individual students and staff, or directed at the entire school. This is down from 273 during the same period last year. Circumstances range from false fire alarms and verbal or written threats involving individuals to threatening comments shared broadly via text or social media. As Supt. Ray stated during the press conference, the overwhelming majority of these incidents are unsubstantiated. However, we want students and families to know that we take every type of threat seriously, and our school counselors, psychologists and social workers are working every day to provide support to the students involved.

    This fact sheet below describes more about the campaign. The awareness effort will continue with student assemblies at all schools, poster and essay contests, PSAs and more.


No Threats