Admissions Counselors

  • Beckah King & Kayla Hubbard, The University of Memphis

    Megan Echols, Middle Tennessee State University 

    Damani Taylor, The University of Tennessee - Martin 

    Amelia Ramsey & Austin Fitch, Mississippi State University 

    Neal Ann Chamblee, The University of Mississippi

    Michele Kisel, The University of Alabama 

    Kevin Berg, The University of Tennessee – Knoxville

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Virtual College Fair

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MTSU's Scholars Academy

MTSU's Scholars Academy

Southern College of Optometry

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LeMoyne Owen College

LeMoyne Owen College

Southwest College Bound

Southwest College Bound

Southwest Assistance with Admissions and Financial Aid

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Future Tiger Tailgates

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Preparing for College - Opportunities

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Shaw University

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East Tennessee State University

  • Greetings from East Tennessee State University! I know that now, maybe more than every before, your students and their families are worried about the cost associated with attending college. There is so much going on in our world and many families are experiences new and unique challenges! Here at ETSU, we want to ensure that obtaining a university degree is obtainable for your students and want to highlight briefly the ETSU Promise Plus Program for incoming students.

    The ETSU Promise Plus Program is for incoming freshman who are receiving the maximum Pell Grant and the Tennessee HOPE Scholarship. Students receiving both of these awards are eligible for the ETSU Promise Plus Program! ETSU Promise Plus includes:

    • 4 years of free tuition at ETSU
    • Up to $6,000 in on-campus housing scholarships ($1,500 annually)
    • Free participation in pre-college programs, including orientation, Preview ETSU, and QUEST.
    • A seat in ETSU's first-year experience course designed to support a successful transition to college.
    • Access to faculty and peer mentors
    • Career support
    • Free membership to the Buccaneer Family Association

    Interested students should apply for admission to East Tennessee State University and submit their FAFSA. Our office is notifying students about eligibility starting in December.

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University of Memphis is offering a FREE APPLICATION WEEK!

  • This week the University of Memphis is offering a FREE APPLICATION WEEK!

    • Both incoming freshmen and transfer students are invited to apply 
    • All students who apply between November 1-7 AND attend the virtual #MEMbound event on November 7, will have their $25 application fee waived. 
    • If a student applied prior to November 1, hasn’t paid their fee, and attends #MEMbound Day, they are eligible to have the app fee waived as well.

     Interested students please apply for FREE between November 1 – 7 and to register to attend the November 7, virtual MEMbound Day! 

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