Scholarship Information 2024

  • Scholarship Opportunities

    Opportunities for Seniors

    *Alpha Memphis Education Foundation through Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. are offering scholarship funds to male Shelby County seniors planning to continue their education. The application can be found at and is due February 29, 2024. Questions can be directed to


    *DeWalt Trades scholarship is open to seniors with at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA planning to continue their education at a two-year community college or vo-tech program in one of the Black and Decker/DeWalt aligned trades. Only the first 1000 applications will be accepted and the deadline is January 17th. More information can be found at

    *Excel Leadership Scholarship provided through the Memphis Leadership Foundation is available to students planning to attend Bethel University or Union University with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and 18 ACT composite. Application can be found below and is due February 16, 2024.

    HBCU Week scholarships are now available, most through February 16, 2024. Requirements and award amounts vary, but most require a 3.0 cumulative GPA, school/community involvement, and intention to enroll in an HBCU. More information can be found at

    *Horatio Alger Association is offering scholarships to high school seniors. Requirements for each award differ, but all applications are due March 15th and applicants must be a U.S. citizen with a 2.0 cumulative GPA, and a household income of $65,000 or less. Visit for details.

    *Jackie Robinson Foundation is looking for minority high school seniors planning to attend a four-year college and who have a strong academic/involvement/leadership record to apply for their scholarship program. Deadline is January 10th, and more information can be found at


    *James B. Collins Memorial scholarship is offered to graduating Shelby County high school students with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA, demonstrated financial need, and plans to continue their education after high school. More details and the application can be found at Application can also be found below. Deadline is February 9, 2024.


    *John F. Kennedy "Profile in Courage" essay contest is now open through January 12, 2024. Details about the essay topic and application process can be found at



    *Ned McWherter scholarship application is open to seniors with at least a 3.75 unweighted GPA and 32 ACT composite. Applicants must also be planning to attend a Tennessee college or university. This $6000/year award will be given to a limited number of applicants. Applications can be found at (if you applied for dual enrollment and/or Tennessee Promise, you will already have an account, but will need to complete the Ned McWherter application) and are due February 15, 2024.

    *Nucor Community Foundation scholarships are available for students planning to major in engineering or metallurgy. Academic record, character, school and community leadership/involvement, and financial need will be considered. Applications can be found below and are due March 1, 2024.

    *United Negro College Fund (UNCF) offers a variety of need-based and merit scholarships for minority students. To learn more about opportunities, go to under the "Scholarships" link.

    *University of Memphis will offer up to 35 Emerging Leader awards worth $5500/year to students who have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, 21 ACT composite, have a history of leadership/involvement, and want to continue expanding their leadership skills in college. More information can be found at Deadline to apply is February 1st.

    *University of Memphis will offer its First Scholars program to select first-generation students with demonstrated financial need. More details and the application can be found at Deadline is February 1, 2024.


    *University of Tennessee-Chattanooga is offering the Dorothy Dean Shelton and Marjorie Watson scholarships to students planning to major in mathematics. More details about applicant requirements can be found at Deadline is March 15, 2024.

    *University of Tennessee-Chattanooga is offering the Westbrook scholarship for students planning to major in chemistry or physics who have a 3.5 cumulative GPA, earned at least a B in high school chemistry, and have 26 ACT composite. More information can be found at Applications are due February 16, 2024.


    *UT Promise is available for students planning to attend UT-Chattanooga, UT-Knoxville, UT-Martin, or UT-Southern. Similar to Tennessee Promise, it is designed to help families pay for tuition after other financial aid resources have been exhausted. Students must apply to Tennessee Promise, UT Promise, at least one UT schools, be Hope eligible, and a household adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less. More details, deadlines, and application links can be found at


    Comprehensive scholarship websites such as Cappex, FastWeb, and GoingMerry also offer resources for college funding.

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Scholarship Opportunities January 2023

  • Amazon Future Engineers scholarship is available for students with a 2.3 cumulative GPA planning to continue their education at a two or four year college majoring in computer science or engineering. Deadline is January 20th. Application can be found at
    Planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, robotics, or other computer science related field of study and are planning to attend an accredited 4-year college or university (or an accredited 2-year college, with the intent to transfer to a 4-year institution).
    *HBCU Week Foundation, in conjunction with several companies, is offering a variety of scholarship opportunities to students with at least a 3.0 unweighted cumulative GPA planning to continue their education at a HBCU. Go to to apply. Applications are due February 15th
    *Jackie Robinson Foundation scholarship is open for minority students with a record of academic excellence, involvement/leadership/community service and planning to continue their education at an accredited four-year college with demonstrated financial need. Applications are due January 11th and can be found at
    *McDonald’s HACER scholarship is for students with at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA, strong academic record, history or school and community involvement/leadership, with demonstrated financial need and at least one parent of Hispanic descent. Deadline is February 3rd and more information and the application can be found at
    Website Maintenance: Be Back Soon | McDonald’s
    The Jackie Robinson Foundation provides a multi-faceted experience designed to not only address the financial needs of students who aspire to attend college but to guide them through the process of higher education.
    *Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps scholarship is available for students with a 22 ACT composite who are interested in military service with the Marine Corps while earning a college degree.  Applications can be found at
    Chief of Information. Attn: US Navy. 1200 Navy Pentagon. Washington DC 20350-1200
    *Reagan Foundation is offering scholarships to graduating seniors planning to continue their education at a four-year college in the United States. Applicants must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA with a strong involvement/leadership background. Deadline to apply is January 5th at
    *River City Partnership application will open from in the Tiger Scholarship Manager November 16th-February 1st for students planning to attend the University of Memphis to major in certain Education areas. For more information, go to
    *Ron Brown Scholars Program is for high-achieving African-American seniors planning to continue their education at a four-year college. Deadline to apply is January 9th. For details and the application, go to
    *Sparkling Ice “Flavorful Futures” scholarship is available to seniors planning to continue their education who have a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Deadline is February 28th. More information can be found at
    <iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>
    *Taco Bell Live Mas scholarship is available for students ages 16-26 planning to continue their education at an accredited two or four year college in the U.S. Applicants must submit a video explaining their passion for creating a better future. Deadline is January 11th and more information can be found at
    Inspire us with your passion, and we'll help you change the world.
    *University of Memphis has several scholarship programs available to apply for through the Tiger Scholarship Manager, accessible through your child’s MyMemphis account. Most are due February 1st.
    *UT-Chattanooga is offering the Westbrook scholarship for students planning to major in chemistry or physics. In addition to being accepted to UT-Chattanooga, students must have earned at least a B in chemistry or physics, have a 3.5 cumulative GPA, 26 ACT composite score. Go to to apply by February 1st.
    *UT-Martin is offering the “Call Me MiSTER” program for minority males planning to major in early childhood or elementary education.
    *UT-Chattanooga’s math department is offering Marjorie Watson scholarship to students planning to major in math while at UTC. Details about requirements and the application can be found at Deadline is March 15th.
    *United Negro College Fund has a variety of scholarships available at
    UNCF empowers more students more than 60,000 students to get to and through college each year.
    Inspire the Memphis community by becoming a River City Teacher Scholar for the College of Education at the UofM. The River City Partnership is a collaboration between UofM College of Education, Memphis-Shelby County Schools and local charter schools.
    The Reagan Library and Museum and the Reagan Institute promotes Ronald Reagan's and Nancy Reagan’s legacy in exhibits, speaker series and education programs.
     The University of Memphis is currently accepting applications for our First Scholars Scholarship which is available to all first-generation incoming freshmen students. At UofM first-generation is any student who has a parent or guardian who has not completed a 4-year degree. This means a parent or guardian could have completed a technical degree, international degree, or associates and the student would still be first-generation. It also does not matter if the student has a sibling who has completed a 4-year degree already. 

    Our First Scholars generally hold higher GPA’s than many other first-generation students and can graduate within a 4-year span. I work closely with these students to ensure their success throughout their 4 years and prepare them for post-graduation life. Each fall semester we accept 20 new scholars into our scholarship program. Please let me know if you have any questions. The deadline for this scholarship is February 1, 2023 and students who are already admitted to the UofM can apply here 

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Fall 2022 Opportunities

  •  Opportunities for Seniors

    *Abbvie is offering scholarships to students with certain inflammatory diseases. A complete list, along with the application, can be found at Deadline is December 7th. 
    *Amazon Future Engineers scholarship is for students with a 2.3 cumulative GPA, planning to continue their education at a two or four year college for computer science or engineering. Deadline to apply is January 20th. Apply at
    *Burger King Foundation will open its scholarship application October 15th and accept the first 50,000 applications. Eligible students must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA and be planning to continue their education at a two or four year college or vetch school. Go to to apply.
    *"Don't Drive Drowsy" Foundation is offering a scholarship in memory of Kyle Kiihnl, a Houston High School student killed by a drowsy driver. Application can be found below and is due March 6, 2023.
    *Equitable Foundation is offering scholarships to well-rounded students planning to continue their education at any accredited two or four year college in the United States. Apply at by December 16th. 
    *HBCU Week Foundation, in conjunction with several companies, is offering a variety of scholarships to students with at least a 3.0 cumulative unweighted GPA planning to continue their education at a HBCU. Deadline is February 15th and more information can be found at
    *Home Depot is offering its "Path to Pro" scholarship for students planning to attend a trade/tech/community college for carpentry, electrician, HVAC, plumbing, or construction management. Deadline is September 30th or December 31st. Learn more at
    *Jackie Robinson Foundation is offering scholarships for minority students with a strong academic record, history of involvement/leadership/community service, and demonstrated financial need who are planning to continue their education at any accredited four-year college in the US. Applications can be found at and are due January 11th. 
    *Kids' Chance of Tennessee is offering scholarships to students who have a parent permanently disabled or fatally injured as a result of a work-related injury defined by the Tennessee Workers' Compensation Act. For more information and to apply, go to under the "Scholarships" link. Deadline is June 1st. 
    *McDonald's Hacer scholarship is for students with a 2.8 cumulative GPA, US citizens or DACA recipients, with at least one parent of Hispanic descent who are planning to continue their education at a two or four year college. Applicants will be judged on academic record, school and community involvement/leadership, and financial need. Deadline is February 3rd and more information can be found at
    *Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps scholarships are available to students with a 22 ACT composite, with sports/leadership experience to assist with paying for college. Contact Captain Shannon Johnson at or 615-919-5551 for more information and steps to apply. Applications can also be found at
    *Reagan Foundation is offering scholarships to seniors planning to continue their education at a four-year college in the United States. Applicants must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a strong involvement/leadership background. Apply at by January 5th.  
    *River City Partnership scholarship is available at the University of Memphis for certain Education majors. Application can be found in the Tiger Scholarship Manager beginning November 16th-February 1st. More information about the program can be found on the information card/checklist attachment below or
    *Ron Brown Scholar Program is looking for high-achieving African-American seniors to apply for its scholarship. Applications are due January 9th and more information can be found at
    *Sparkling Ice "Flavorful Futures" scholarship is available to Class of 2023 students with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Deadline to apply is February 28th. Go to for more information.
    *Taco Bell "Live Mas" scholarship is available for students ages 16-26 planning to continue their education at an accredited two or four year college in the U.S. Applicants must submit a video no longer than two minutes in length describing their passion for creating a better future. Deadline is January 11th and more information can be found at
    *Tennessee Hope Lottery- available to students earning a 21 ACT composite score OR 3.0 HOPE cumulative GPA (based on the universal grading scale, not Bartlett City Schools). Can be used at the majority of two and four year colleges in the state of Tennessee. Eligible students will receive $1500/semester at two year schools and $1750/semester at four-year schools as a freshman and sophomore, then $2250/semester as a junior and senior if a 3.0 cumulative GPA is maintained. Application is the FAFSA- be sure to list at least one Tennessee school on the FAFSA to assist with processing.
    *United Negro College Fund (UNCF) offers a variety of need-based and merit scholarships for minority students. To learn more about opportunities, go to under the "Scholarships" link. 
    *UT-Chattanooga is offering scholarships to entering freshmen planning to major in chemistry or physics. In addition to applying to UT-Chattanooga, applicants must also have a B average in high school chemistry or physics, 3.5 cumulative GPA, and a 26 ACT composite. Deadline to apply is February 1st at
    *UT Promise is now available for students with household incomes of less than $60,000, who are Hope eligible, who are planning to attend UT-Chattanooga, UT-Knoxville, UT-Martin, or UT-Southern. Interested students must complete the Tennessee Promise application, college-specific application, UT Promise application, and file the FAFSA. See for more details and deadlines. 
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River City Partnership

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February 2022 Opportunities

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2022 UEA Scholarship

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October 2021: Scholarship Opportunities

  •  Opportunities for Seniors
    *Burger King is offering scholarships to graduating seniors with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA planning to continue their education at an accredited two or four year college in the United States. Additional opportunities are available for students with a 3.5 cumulative GPA and history of leadership and involvement. Deadline to apply is December 15th or whenever 50,000 applications have been received. Go to for more information and to apply.
    *Coca-Cola Scholars is offering scholarships to high achieving seniors with a strong history of leadership and school/community involvement. Go to to apply by October 31st. 
    *Elks National Foundation will award scholarships to graduating high school students who are U.S. citizens planning to continue their education at a 4 year college who can demonstrate leadership, academic ability, and financial need. Deadline to apply is November 15th at
    *GE-Reagan Foundation is offering scholarships to high achieving students with demonstrated leadership, drive, integrity, and financial need. More information and the application can be found at Deadline is January 6th.
    *Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is offering scholarships to students with at least a 3.5 cumulative unweighted GPA and demonstrated financial need of $95,000 adjusted gross income. For more information and to apply by November 18th, go to
    *Jackie Robinson Foundation offers scholarships to high achieving minority students planning to continue their education at an accredited four-year college who can demonstrate leadership/involvement and financial need. Deadline to apply is January 12th. More information can be found at
    *Memphis Friendship Foundation is offering five one-time $1000 scholarships to Class of 2022 seniors who emulate the values of the Memphis Friendship Foundation. The application can be found below and is due January 14th. 
    *National Honor Society will offer a variety of scholarships to current members. Applications will open October 1st and more information can be found at:
    *Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps scholarships are available to students with a 22 ACT composite, with sports/leadership experience to assist with paying for college. Contact Captain John Martin at or 615-975-8419 for more information and steps to apply. 
    *Ron Brown Scholarship Program is being offered to economically disadvantaged African-American students who are U.S. citizens, excel academically, and who demonstrate leadership potential through involvement and community service. Application deadline is January 9th and more information can be found at
    *Tennessee Concrete Association is offering its annual essay contest for 16-18 year olds. Go to and click on the "2021 High School Essay Contest" link to apply. Deadline is January 7, 2022. 
    *Tennessee Connect is offered to students planning to attend UT-Knoxville with a family adjust gross income of $50,000-$70,000/year. Students must apply for admissions for December 15th and the FAFSA by February 1st. For more information, go to:
    *Tennessee Hope Lottery- available to students earning a 21 ACT composite score OR 3.0 HOPE cumulative GPA (based on the universal grading scale, not Bartlett City Schools). Can be used at the majority of two and four year colleges in the state of Tennessee. Eligible students will receive $1500/semester at two year schools and $1750/semester at four-year schools as a freshman and sophomore, then $2250/semester as a junior and senior if a 3.0 cumulative GPA is maintained. Application is the FAFSA- be sure to list at least one Tennessee school on the FAFSA to assist with processing.
    *Tennessee Promise is available to any student planning to attend a two year community college in Tennessee or Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT). Application opens August 1st at and must be submitted by November 1st. Students will need to register for a TSAC account, then log in and apply for the Tennessee Promise scholarship. The application has not been received unless the student receives a confirmation email. Instructions to apply can be found at: and below and we HIGHLY recommend every senior apply, even as a back-up plan.
    *United Negro College Fund (UNCF) offers a variety of need-based and merit scholarships for minority students. To learn more about opportunities, go to under the "Scholarships" link. 
    *UT-Martin is offering an additional $2500/year scholarship to students admitted to the Honors Program who have been admitted to UT-Martin, have a 27 ACT composite, and are already eligible for the Chancellor's scholarship. Deadline to apply is December 10th at

    *UT Promise is for any student planning to attend a University of Tennessee school who is Hope eligible (21 ACT composite or 3.0 cumulative HOPE GPA) with an adjusted gross family income of $50,000 or less. Students must complete the Tennessee Promise/UT Promise/UT school applications by the established deadlines. Go to to learn more and apply.

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Updated Scholarship Information 2021 - 2022

  • *United Negro College Fund (UNCF) offers a variety of need-based and merit scholarships for minority students. To learn more about opportunities, go to under the "Scholarships" link. 

    *UT Promise is for any student planning to attend a University of Tennessee school who is Hope eligible (21 ACT composite or 3.0 cumulative HOPE GPA) with an adjusted gross family income of $50,000 or less. Students must complete the Tennessee Promise/UT Promise/UT school applications by the established deadlines. Go to to learn more and apply. 


    Comprehensive scholarship websites such as Cappex, FastWeb, and GoingMerry also offer resources for college funding. 

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2021-2022 Delta GEMS Mentoring Program

  • The Memphis Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is now accepting applications for the  2021-2022 Delta GEMS mentoring program. The Delta GEMS program focuses on:

    Young women in grades 9 through 12; who are interested in developing leadership and life skills; who are actively pursuing college and/or career options; and who need encouragement and support in the pursuit of higher learning. All sessions will be virtual
    Click the link to apply:  
    Application Deadline: September 17, 2021
    Virtual Orientation: September 18, 2021
    For more information Email: or


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The Memphis Friendship Foundation/ Methodist Lebonheur Healthcare Scholarship

  • The Memphis Friendship Foundation/ 

    Methodist Lebonheur Healthcare Scholarship 


    The mission of the Memphis Friendship Foundation is to create opportunities for building friendships based on mutual understanding and respect among all people of all races, cultures, and faiths.  


    Methodist Lebonheur Healthcare has partnered with the Memphis Friendship Foundation to generously offer one-time scholarships of $1,000 each to five graduating seniors. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize students who have created their own and/or participated in an opportunity to fulfill the core values of the MFF mission through an event in their school or community and who can articulate their vision to further promote the MFF mission in their future endeavors. 


    Submission #1: Provide personal information designated on the attached sheet. ALL APPLICANTS must apply online using the email provided with all three submission pieces included in one email.   


    Submission #2: Applicants will provide a creative expression of the importance of the mission of the Memphis Friendship Foundation (stated above) through an essay, short story, art piece (painting, sculpture, etc.), song or video or an account by essay of a project or an event  they have completed that reflects the values of the Memphis Friendship Foundation mission.  


    *Art submissions must include a title and a brief written explanation of the artist’s expression.   

    Please send pictures of the art and be prepared to exhibit (if requested).  

    **Film submissions must include a title and either narration or a brief oral explanation of the filmmaker’s expression.  


    Submission #3: All applicants will include a statement of how the scholarship will be used for either a post high school education or an educational service project. Payment will only be made directly to a college/university or an organization providing an educational service project. No payments will be made directly to applicants or other individuals.   


    Deadline is September 20, 2021. Send all applications to: 


    Scholarships will be announced on September 30 and awarded at the   

    First Annual Friendship Foundation Awards Banquet on October 3, 2021.   


    Please contact Dr. Steve Stone, Executive Director of the Memphis Friendship Foundation if you have any questions. (901) 337-1346  


    Disclaimer: Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, national origin, or any other legally protected classification. All finalists and recipients will be selected by a committee led by the Executive Director of the Memphis Friendship Foundation. The scholarship program is made possible through the generous support of Methodist Lebonheur Healthcare. However, Methodist Lebonheur Healthcare will not be represented on the selection committee, and they will play no role in selecting finalists and recipients. All decisions are final and are not subject to appeal. The program is competitive; not all applicants will be selected as finalists; not all finalists will be selected as recipients.   


    Submission #1   

    Directions: Copy and paste into a Word document and attach with completed information.    


    Name: __________________________________________   


    Address: __________________________________________  


    City:   _________________, State: _____ Zip: __________  


    Phone: _____________________________  


    Email address: ______________________________________  


    School Name: _______________________________________  


    ______________________________          ________________ Name of School Counselor or Advisor             Phone  


    Provide at least one adult reference (non-family member)  




    Phone #:   ___________________________  


    Email address:  _____________________________________  


    If awarded, would you be able to attend the banquet from 5:00-7:00 pm on October 3, 2021 at The Great Hall in Germantown, TN to receive the scholarship award?   Yes ____  No ____  

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Cleo T. Hudson, Jr. Memorial Foundation Scholarship

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Mary Jackson Scholarship


LaTrina Macon-Norman Scholarship Foundation Fund

  • LaTrina Macon-Norman Scholarship Foundation Fund

    The LMN Scholarship Foundation provides Financial Scholarship, Freshman Necessity Trunk, Textbook/Trade School Scholarship, Female STEM Scholarship, Health Science Chemical Scholarship, Entrepreneurship Scholarship, and the Pop -Up Scholarship. We are a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization and our Goal is to assist underserved High School Seniors within the State of TN as they prepare for their first Year of College. Please, take the opportunity to visit our website: Our

    website will provide more information. You will also find our scholarship application. Please print and

    encourage all students to apply. For more information you can email 

    or call 901-518-7522. 

    *Application DEADLINE:  •May 31st, 2021

    •GPA: 2.5

    *All other pertinent Info on Application

    *Waived Community Service Recommendation  letter

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United Education Scholarship

  • Don't miss out on this scholarship opportunity from the UEA for your students! (NEW)
    The United Education Association is accepting scholarship applications for MSCS students. The deadline to apply is May 14. Please share this application with your students today!
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Sigma Phi Epsilon Scholarship Assistance

  • SigEp knows that the transition for graduating high school seniors to college can be tough for many people, and the cost of college can create even more stress. We want to do our part to help. With college right around the corner, we wanted to make sure you and the students you work with know that we have more than $300,000 in scholarship opportunities at over 140 campuses nationwide.

    Please access these opportunites at the following link:

    Sigma Phi Epsilon Scholarship Assistance

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UNIGO Scholarships May Scholarship Alert

UNIGO Scholarships April Scholarship Alert

Langston University

Langston University

Langston University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Scholarship

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Tennessee Senior Scholarship Program

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Step Ahead Scholarship 2021

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Tougaloo College Scholarship Information

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Memphis Area Tougaloo Alumni Chapter Scholarship Program

  • Memphis Area Tougaloo Alumni Chapter Scholarship Program

    The Memphis Area Tougaloo Alumni Chapter Scholarship Program is awarding a $500 scholarship to a student who lives in the Memphis Metropolitan area.

    Eligibility Criteria includes the following:

    • High School graduate attending Tougaloo College
    • 2.5 or above overall GPA
    • 250 word essay
    • 2 letters of recommendation
    • Official high school transcript.

    More information including the application can be found at . 


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UT Communications Major

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UNIGO Scholarships for March 2021

2021 Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS)-Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships

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UNIGO Scholarships

American Association of Blacks in Energy

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Black Men in White Coats Scholarship

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Future Tiger Tailgates

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ETSU Scholarship Opportunity

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UNIGO Sweet and Simple Scholarship and MORE!



    Not every gift has to be expensive or extravagant. In fact, sometimes it's the sweet and simple things that make a real difference in our lives. Think back and tell us about something you received as a gift and why it meant so much to you.






    $1,000 DEADLINE: FEB 28

    Scholarship Owl 'You Deserve It' Scholarship

    Apply Now




    Take Surveys. Earn Rewards. DEADLINE: FEB 28

    IPSOS i-Say Scholarship

    Apply Now




    $1,000 DEADLINE: FEB 15

    Ascent Monthly Community Champions Scholarship Giveaway

    Apply Now




    $2,000 DEADLINE: FEB 28

    Nitro Student Scholarship Sweepstakes

    Apply Now




    $10,000 DEADLINE: FEB 28

    CollegeXpress Scholarship Contest

    Apply Now


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College Options and Resources Scholarships

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Ron Settles Memorial Foundation Scholarship

  • The Ron Settles Memorial Foundation is offering two (2) $2000 scholarships for Shelby County Schools students. In Shelby County, this scholarship is only open for Class of 2021 SCS students.

    To be considered for this scholarship, applicants must be: 

    ·         A graduating high school senior

    ·         A U.S. citizen or legal resident who is Black/African American

    ·         A Shelby County resident of Shelby County, TN; or Los Angeles County, CA; or a student attending a high school within the City of Atlanta, GA 

    ·         Seeking undergraduate degrees in education and criminal justice programs including, but not limited to political science, pre-law, law enforcement administration, corrections, and criminology

    ·         and have a GPA of at least 2.25 on a 4.0 scale

    Selected recipients will have the opportunity to interview for a paid internship at the Cochran Firm in Memphis. Scholarship details including the application can be found at . The application window is from January 20 – March 15, 2021. If you have any questions, please reach out to Schevonda Hunt at .

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Equal Chance for Education Scholarship

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The Balanced Man Scholarship UT Martin

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Over 360 Scholarships Available!

  • Over 360 Scholarships Available

    Tell your students about this great scholarship opportunity! 


    Over 360 scholarships from $2,500 to $25,000 available for students who work hard to make a positive and lasting impact in their communities and beyond. In addition, $1,000 grants will be awarded to the high schools of each of the Equitable ExcellenceSM scholarship winners. 


    Eligible applicants must:

    • Demonstrate courage, strength and wisdom as shown by community impact through volunteer service.
    • Be high school seniors planning to attend an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the United States.  
    • Be a United States citizen or legal resident living or claiming residency in one of the 50 U.S. states, District of Columbia or Puerto Rico. 


    Learn more at


    Click here for a flyer to download and share with students. 


    Deadline to apply: January 28, 2021 3:00 pm CT



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Delta Sigma Theta ACT Prep and Zeta Phi Beta DOVE Scholarship

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Curtis L Johnson Scholarship

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Equitable Excellence Scholarships

  • $2,500, $10,000 and $25,000 Equitable ExcellenceSM Scholarships Available for Your Students


    The Equitable ExcellenceSM Scholarship program awards students from across the country who work hard to make a positive and lasting impact in their communities and beyond.

    Over 360 scholarships will be awarded. In addition, $1,000 grants will be awarded to the high schools of each of the Equitable ExcellenceSM scholarship winners.


    Eligible applicants must:

    • Demonstrate courage, strength and wisdom as shown by community impact through volunteer service.
    • Be high school seniors planning to attend an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the United States.
    • Be a United States citizen or legal resident living or claiming residency in one of the 50 U.S. states, District of Columbia or Puerto Rico.


    Learn more at


    Click here for a flyer to download and share with students.


    Deadline to apply: January 28, 2021 3:00 pm CT




    One Scholarship Way, Saint Peter, MN 56082

    ©2020 Scholarship America


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Cameron William Selmon Scholarship

  • Cameron William Selmon Scholarship
    • Complete Application (assessable via – application deadline is (March 15, 2021)
    • High School Senior: Residing in Shelby County (TN)
    • GPA: 2.5 Minimum (transcript excluding SSN’s to be uploaded to the online application)
    • College Acceptance Letter (to be uploaded to the online application)
    • Essay: Please share your thoughts on gun violence, and how it has become an epidemic in our city. How can you become a champion and take a stand against gun violence? (minimum of 500 words- to be uploaded to the online application)

    Link for the video:

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U of M First Scholars Program

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Vitalant (Formerly LifeBlood) Scholarships

Hendrix Scholarship

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

2021 Excel Leadership and Scholarship Application

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Phi Delta Kappa Scholarship

  • National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.

    Scholarship Application 2021



    1. The scholarship is for students seeking a degree in the field of education.
    2. An original color headshot photo with the application. The photo must be very clear.
    3. No emailed documentation is accepted






    505 SOUTH PERKINS RD., #1202

    Memphis, Tennessee 38117




    Rules and Regulations

    Scholarship Application

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship

  • The Jackie Robinson Foundation scholarship application is now available!

    The Jackie Robinson Foundation provides four-year scholarships of $30,000 and extensive support services, including career guidance and internship placement, to highly motivated African American students who have maintained a 98% college graduation rate. 

    We appreciate your support by sharing this opportunity with students. The application closes at 5:00 pm ET on February 1, 2021.


    Thank you,
    Damian Travier
    Vice President, Core Programs




    Jackie Robinson Foundation
    75 Varick Street, 2nd Floor

    New York, New York 10013


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DWSC Myra C. Stiles Scholarship

  • DWSC Myra C. Stiles Scholarship Application: 

    The Democratic Women of Shelby County (DWSC) Myra C. Stiles Scholarship application period is now open.  This scholarship is available to current high school seniors for use in the 2021-2022 college year. Eligibility requirements include having a GPA of at least 2.8; having an ACT score of at least 21; being a registered voter; and completing the application including the essay portion. The deadline to apply is March 31st, 2021. Please click here for the application and additional information.

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    Congratulations, students! The University of Tennessee, Knoxville has recently designated Overton High School as a Flagship high school. Any student who graduates from our high school and is admitted to UT Knoxville will receive the Flagship Scholarship—an investment in your college education of up to $52,000 over the course of four years. When combined with the HOPE Lottery Scholarship and other institutional aid, Flagship students will not have to pay a penny towards tuition and mandatory fees. In addition, UT Knoxville is also waiving the $50 application fee for Flagship students—so you can apply to UT for free! UT has extended their early action deadline to November 16 for Flagship students as well, so you have more time to complete and submit your application to be considered for competitive scholarships, Honors & Scholars programs, and receive an admissions decision by mid-December. Qualified students must meet UT Knoxville admissions requirements.  For additional information, click on the link below.

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UT Promise Nov 1st

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

September - October

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.