

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Davie

Greetings from your U.S. Government and Psychology teacher. My classes are semester classes, so you need to keep up with your assignments. If you are in U.S. Government class, you are in a class that is required for graduation. I also am the teacher who will give you the Tennessee Civics Test that you must pass to graduate.

Seniors, you will need to find your way to room 242 at some point because I am the teacher who receipts all senior money. If you are paying for a t-shirt, field trip or senior dues, I am the one to see. Besides taking your money, I also want to take your ideas! Some of the best ideas for activities come from students. Share those ideas with me or one of your other senior team teachers!

Has anyone ever called you a know-it-all? If you possess a depth of knowledge in some area like math, geography or sports or anything, you should consider joining our Knowledge Bowl team. We regularly compete on WREG Channel 3 against other high schools. Come visit me in room 242 if you are interested. Knowledge Bowl is open to all grades. Practices are in room 242 on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 3:15.

The best way to contact me is through email.



US Government Honors

US Government




Senior Class

Knowledge Bowl (Wednesday Room 242 2:30-3:15)