Craigmont High School Optional Program
Applicants to the program must:
• Score at or above the 65th percentile on the FastBridge aReading assessment; score at or above the 65th percentile on the TCAP TNReady English Language Arts assessment; score at or above the 65th percentile on the NWEA MAP Growth Reading assessment, a TCAP English End of Course test and/or another acceptable nationally normed achievement assessment, including the ACT (Reading), PSAT or SAT (EvidenceBased Reading and Writing) with the assessment being administered no more than one year prior to the date of application for Optional Schools.
• Have A or B semester averages with no more than one C as a semester average in any academic subject prior to admission.
• Have satisfactory conduct and attendance (including promptness to school and to each class), with no more than 15 absences and/or tardies.
• To remain in the program, students must maintain an average of C or above in each subject each semester, with no grade lower than a C in any academic subject, participate in all enrichment activities and projects and maintain a record of satisfactory conduct and attendance, including promptness to school and to each class (no more than 15 absences or tardies).
• Students who maintain the Optional renewal requirements for Craigmont Middle School will be accepted into Craigmont High School’s Optional Program on a continuation basis.