- Overton High
- "Award Winning" Overton Culinary Club
Clawson, Bert
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We make food to know culture
Award Winning Overton Culinary Club 23 24
Our activities for year (anything not listed here
September 7 (after school 2:30-3:30) and 11(after school 2:30-3:30) and 12(serve staff at lunch) – cupcakes (Serve Teachers)
October 2(after school 2:30-3:30) and 3(serve staff at lunch) – pulled pork taco (School wide event October 3rd)
November 2(after school 2:30-3:30) and 3(serve staff at lunch) – Chili (Serve Teachers)
December 4 (after school 2:30 -4:00) - Christmas Party and Pie and Cookie Contest (winner of pie gets free entry into the Arkansas Pie Festival)
January 11(after school 2:30-3:30) – work on chili recipes and form teams
Chili contest Feb 3rd and Feb 10th (Saturdays)
February 15(after school 2:30-3:30) – Pie (potential to enter Arkansas Pie Festival)
March 7(after school 2:30-3:30) – Hotdogs and Hot Slaw
April 4(after school 2:30-3:30) and 5(serve staff at lunch) – Pie (Serve teachers)
(check for after school Restaurant visit) Date not set
2 independent sales of goods (members decide, market, and sale) Dates not set
All members must signup for 4 activities
- Help clean up after presentation
- Help with presentation
- Serve Teachers
Officers that need to be volunteered for
President (must have been member last year) (Will be my point person for all activies, email members, keep me informed and maintain website)
Secretary (keep track of attendance and signup sheet)
Photographer (photograph activities and supply)
Things to do by October (create and buy shirts and set up website)
Independent goods for Culinary Club funding
Independent sales of goods (create group of 10. Will come up with item, make item, advertise item, calculate cost to realize profit)