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A. B. Hill Elementary
A. Maceo Walker Middle
Alcy Performing Arts Elementary
American Way Middle
Avon Lenox High School
Balmoral Ridgeway IB World School
Barret's Chapel K-8 School
Belle Forest Community School
Bellevue Middle
Berclair Elementary
Bethel Grove Elementary
Bolton High Agri-STEM High School
Booker T. Washington Middle & High
Brownsville Road Elementary
Bruce Elementary
Caldwell-Guthrie K-8
Central High School
Cherokee Elementary
Chickasaw Middle
Chimneyrock Elementary
Colonial Middle School
Cordova Elementary Optional School
Cordova High School
Cordova Middle Optional School
Craigmont High School
Craigmont Middle
Cromwell Elementary
Crump Elementary
Cummings K-8 Optional School
Delano Elementary
Dexter K-8 School
Double Tree Elementary
Douglass K-8
Downtown Elementary
Dunbar Elementary
E.E. Jeter K-8 School
Early Childhood Program
Memphis East T-STEM Academy
Egypt Elementary
Evans Elementary
Fairley High School
Ford Road Elementary
Fox Meadows Elementary
Frayser-Corning Elementary
Douglass High School
G.W. Carver College & Career Academy
Gardenview Elementary
Geeter K-8 School
Georgian Hills Elementary
Germanshire Elementary
Germantown Elementary
Germantown High School
Germantown Middle
Getwell Elementary
Gordon Achievement Academy
Grahamwood Elementary
Grandview Heights Middle
Hamilton High
Hamilton K-8 School
Hanley Elementary
Havenview Middle
Hawkins Mill Elementary Helpful Achievers Worthy Knowledgeable Soaring to Excellence
Hickory Ridge Elementary
Hickory Ridge Middle
Highland Oaks Elementary
Highland Oaks Middle
Hollis F. Price Middle College High
Holmes Road Elementary
Hope Academy
Ida B. Wells Academy
Idlewild Elementary
Invictus Academy at Airways
Jackson Elementary
John. P. Freeman Optional School
Kate Bond Elementary
Kate Bond Middle
Keystone Elementary Optional School
Kingsbury Career & Technology Center
Kingsbury Elementary
Kingsbury High
Kingsbury Middle
Kirby High
LaRose Elementary
Levi Elementary
Lowrance K-8 School
Lucie E. Campbell Elementary
Lucy Elementary School
Macon-Hall Elementary
Manassas High
Maxine Smith STEAM Academy
Medical District High School
Melrose High School
Mitchell High School
Middle College High
Mt. Pisgah Middle School
Newberry Elementary
Newcomer International Center
Norris Achievement Academy
Northaven Elementary
Northeast Prep Academy
Oak Forest Elementary
Oakhaven Elementary
Oakhaven High
Oakhaven Middle School
Oakshire Elementary
Overton High
Parkway Village Elementary
Peabody Elementary
Raleigh-Bartlett Meadows Elementary
Raleigh-Egypt High
Raleigh-Egypt Middle
Richland Elementary
Ridgeway Early Learning Center
Ridgeway High
Ridgeway International Baccalaureate Middle World Optional School
Riverview K-8 School
Riverwood Optional Elementary
Ross Elementary
Rozelle Elementary
Scenic Hills Elementary
Sea Isle Elementary
Shady Grove Early Learning Center
Sharpe Elementary School
Sheffield Career & Technical Center
Sheffield Elementary School
Sheffield High
Shelby Oaks Elementary School
Sherwood Elementary School
Sherwood Middle School
Shrine School
Snowden School
South Park Elementary School
Southwest Career & Technology Center
Southwind Elementary School
Southwind High
Springdale-Memphis Magnet Elementary
Georgian Hills Middle
Robert R. Church Elementary
Treadwell Elementary
Treadwell Middle
Trezevant Career and Technology Center
Trezevant High
Vollentine Elementary
Wells Station Elementary
Westhaven Elementary
Westside Elementary
Westwood High
White Station Elementary
White Station High School
White Station Middle
Whitehaven Elementary Optional STEM School
Whitehaven High
Whitney Elementary
William H. Brewster Elementary
Willow Oaks Elementary
Winchester Elementary
Winridge Elementary
Wooddale High
Woodstock Middle
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Overton High School
for the Creative and Performing Arts
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Awards and Recognitions
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Faculty and Staff
Adjei, Emmanuel
Afram, Cuthbert
Allen, Nancy
Anyimadu, Stanley
Asare, Martin
Bacchus, Nyshari
Belkis, Elliott
Burton, Kiara
Buss, Melody
Carlton, Sandra
Carruth, Zucchineus
Clawson, Bert
Cobbinah, Abigail
Daughrity, Christine
Daughtery, Coriey
Doggett, Robert
Domfeh, Jeremiah
Eichman, Shelly
Espitia, Itzel
Essoh, Raphael
Forrester, Charles
Fox, Cindy
Franco Gallardo, Jose
Frost, Varonda
Gibson, Cheyenne
Grant, Nicholas
Green, Jovan
Hampton, Geremiah
Harris, Andrea
Harris, Marshon
Harris, Preston
Hess-Taylor, Chantal
Hogan, Mark
James, Owen
Jarvis, William
Johnson, Byron
Jones, Kerah
Jones, Matthew
Jones, Michael
Jones, Pamela
Large, Tangela
Lewis, Christin
Littman, Ryan
Litzsey, Aaron
Locke, Denisha
Lyon, Latesa
Lyons, Kingston
Maness, Joshua
Martin, Kendra
McGuire, Melanie
Merriweather, Courtney
Mitchell, Lisa
Neal, Shakira
Newberry, Lue
Nichols -Johnson, Rachel
Nolen, David
Nordstrom, Noah
O'Brien, David
Pagliaro, Jennifer
Paine, Judy
Pani, Amar
Pendley, Sallie
Poston, Rena
Preston, Gabriel
Pruett, Deborah
Rayford, Quinton
Rivers, Michaelantonio
Rossell, Yaminah
Scharff, Brad
Sisung, Ryan
Smith, Destiny
Smith, Keith
Smith-Keita, Davida
Stephens, Morris
Stewart, Cassandra
Stornes, Lindsay
Stratton, Natalie
Suggs, Robert
Valdez, Joel
Walker, Rona
Ward, Lavette
West, Kimberly
Wicks, Amber
Williams, Emmanuel
Williamson, Yvonne
Dorsey, Morgan
Flynn, Peggy
Morgan, Kimberly
Parents & Students
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The Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) Department
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Senior Class News and Information
Microsoft TEAMS Tips and Training for Parents and Students
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Early Postsecondary Opportunities
Recursos para padres y estudiantes de habla hispana
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Overton High
Class Materials: Syllabus and Lesson Plans
Jones, Matthew
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Class Materials: Syllabus and Lesson Plans
Class Photos & Video
Classes Calendar
Syllabus: Creative Writing
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Syllabus: CAPA Creative Writing
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Syllabus: Journalism
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DC Speech & Communication
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Lesson Plans
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