This year, tests (TCAP/EOC) will be completed on the computer in person from April 18 – May 5. We need all students to be present in school on testing days.

    Attendance counts on testing days, and only students who come to school in person will be counted as present for state testing. In addition to being a state and federal requirement, EOC exams are also very important because they show you how well your child is mastering state standards and grade level learning expectations. Test scores are used to determine eligibility for placement in honors/advanced courses, as well as entry into the Optional or C.L.U.E program, and they help teachers determine other personalized learning supports and interventions that may be needed to help a student succeed.

    We know our students will be ready to do their best, so please make sure your child attends school from April 18 – May 5 for the required state tests. 

Last Modified on March 30, 2023