- Lucy Elementary School
- Principal Edwards
Lucy ES Leaders
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Phone: 901-602-7046
Degrees and Certifications:
Mississippi Valley State University - Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education University of Mississippi - Master of Education Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Northcentral University - Doctorate of Education Degree in Trauma-Informed Instructional Practices (Pending Completion)
Mrs. A. Edwards
Personal Vision Statement:
I envision creating a school where EVERY member of our school community gets lost in literature, masters mathematical concepts, sees the significance of science, and becomes submerged in social studies in an environment where they feel seen, heard, and valued!
As the principal of Lucy Elementary School, I am honored and humbled to serve all of its employees--parents, teachers, students, and community members. I am proud to serve alongside a staff that not only believes that all children can learn, but is also dedicated to providing the highest quality education possible every day. Lucy Elementary School encourages all students to be leaders that demonstrate Eagle Excellence and strive to reach their full potential.
The faculty and staff of Lucy Elementary School are dedicated to providing a high-quality education in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. Together, we will ensure all students master state-mandated standards, read with comprehension, write with clarity, and compute with accuracy, while developing reasoning and problem-solving skills for college and career readiness.
Lucy Elementary School believes that by working with parents, community members, and school adopters, we will successfully prepare our children not only for middle school but also provide them with the building blocks for life both socially and academically. If I can be of assistance to you, please feel free to contact me.
Mrs. A. Edwards, M. Ed