THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST in our great school!
Please click this Prospective Parent link to add your name and email address to our prospective parent/student list.
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Maxine Smith STEAM Academy Enrollment requirements:
- Applicants must score at or above the 65th percentile on school-based administration of the i-Ready Diagnostic Reading and Math assessments (2024-25); or score at or above the 65th percentile on the TCAP Achievement English Language Arts and TCAP Achievement Mathematics assessments; or score at or above the 65th percentile on the Total Reading/Reading Composite and Total Mathematics/Mathematics Composite of an acceptable nationally normed achievement test. Acceptable tests must be administered in person and dated Spring 2024 or later.
- Have conduct grades of satisfactory or above.
- Have satisfactory attendance (no more than 15 unexcused absences and/or tardies to school or to class).
- All students will be on an Optional transfer and must meet and maintain the minimum entrance requirements.
- To remain in the Optional Program, students must maintain an average of C or above in each subject, each semester, and meet the entrance requirements for conduct and attendance.
A valid email address will be required in order to submit the online application. Current MSCS students are encouraged to use their PowerSchool student number. For non-MSCS students, a social security number is requested. You will receive an email confirmation with the date and time of your application submission.
We are able to take around 160 sixth graders, 10 seventh graders and 10 eighth graders. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. However, we have certain priority categories-sibling preference and proximity zones. The optional office, 416-5338, can tell you if your address falls within that zone. Because we have more applications than available spaces, 20% of our available spaces are through a lottery selection.