- Germantown High School
- Student FAQs
- Student Life
- My Class Schedule
We are Organized
How big are the classes?
***Note, this question is being answered as it pertains to total people enrolled in the class. During COVID, not all of these people are going to be in the room.
Most of the classes have about 24 students in them. However, our class sizes vary depending on the needs of the students and the subject matter, some classes have as few as 10 students while others might have a bit more than 30.
What hours is the school open? (When am I allowed to be in buildings)
Students: The campus is open for students from 6:45-2:45
Adults and Visitors: Due to COVID-19, we are seeking to avoid on campus interactions and manage interactions via scheduling meetings. If you need to come on campus, we recommend calling before you come. 901-416-0955
What is Intervention Period?
After 3rd period daily, a block of time from 9:44-10:14 can be used by students and teachers for intervention purposes. This block of time is used on Wednesdays for club meetings.
- Any teacher can request for a student to attend Intervention by giving that student a pass; in this case, attending Intervention is not optional as the teacher has requested attendance. Failure to attend will then result in disciplinary action.
- Any student can request a pass from a teacher to finish work, make up tests/quizzes/assignments, receive extra assistance, conference with EE advisor, etc.; in this case, the student needs to ask for a pass from the teacher and must attend when the teacher has space available. Parents can also email teachers, if the student needs help remembering to ask the teacher.
- Any student without a pass remains in his/her 3rd period class for that time period and can treat that time like a study hall.
What is the tardy policy?
Germantown High is passionate about seeing students receiving the maximum benefit from their class time, so we are very strict on tardies. The first tardy results in a warning. The second in a phone call home. After that, we use a system of progressive discipline.
When do I have lunch?
We have 4 lunches, and which one you have is based on where you have 5th period. The first day of school, we will announce all lunch assignments during 4th period (so you know before the start of lunch). Unless you have the first lunch, you can just go to 5th period and your teacher will tell you when to go to lunch.
Where is the cafeteria?
It is located in the basement of A building.