About Ms. Nail-Gales Science Classes

Phone: 901-416-0955


Degrees and Certifications:

University of Memphis -Anthropology Certified Biology (Science) 7-12 in Tennessee, Mississippi & Arkansas

Ms. Kimberly Nail-Gales

I teach Ecology and Dual Credit Plant Science and host Dual Enrollment English Com 1 (through U of M)

The best way to reach me is through E-Mail or Remind.com

Students are REQUIRED, and parents are ENCOURAGED to sign up for Remind.com Text Alerts.

I send daily assignments, due dates, reminders, links, and study materials. Plus, you can text me there easily if you ever have questions.

Ecology: Text @Ecol24-25 to 81010 or use the same code to "Join a Class" at Remind.com

Dual Credit Plant Science: Text @DCPS24-25 to 81010 or use the same code to "Join a Class" at Remind.com

Dual Enrollment English Comp 1
: Text @DEComp2425 to 81010 or use the same code to "Join a Class" at Remind.com 

You'll Find & Submit Your Work in Canvas ... If You Are Absent for Any Reason, Log-in to Canvas That Day to Get Caught-Up

Start-of-School and New Student Information