ELL (English Language Language)

  • Over 20 BRS students identify as English Language Learners with first languages that include Arabic, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and others. Our ELLs and their families bring knowledge, skills, and diverse cultural and linguistic perspectives to our school community.  

    ELL students receive a combination of pull-out and push-in ELL supports based on each student’s individual English Language proficiency.  

    Students who are identified as Level 1, 2, or 3 receive pull-out ELL services during core-content blocks.  Students who are identified as Level 4 or 5 receive embedded and/or push-in ELL services during core-content blocks and with pull-out support if needed. 

    Every winter, all ELLs take the mandatory ACCESS test.  The test scores are used to assign English Language Development (ELD) levels, chart each student's progress, and assess the efficacy of our ELL program.