Mission & Vision

  • Mission

    The Shrine staff, with cooperation and commitment from the home, community and Shrine organization, will provide a supportive foundation for lifelong learning in a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment, while guiding all students to reach their individual academic, physical, social and emotional potential.


    The faculty and staff of Shrine School are dedicated to meeting the unique needs of students.  We believe that education should develop the whole student to their fullest potential.  Realizing that all students do not learn at the same pace nor by the same methods,  the school provides a variety of learning experiences and instruction.  It is our responsibility to help each student develop a positive self-concept, realize the value of learning, achieve the maximum level of independence, and become a productive citizen.

    School Beliefs

    • A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning.
    • Student learning is the chief priority of the school.
    • Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.
    • Students' learning needs should be the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school.
    • Exceptional students require special services and resources.
    • The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative if our school is going to enable students to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.
    • Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.
    • Curriculum and instructional practices should incorporate a variety of learning activities to accommodate differences in learning styles.
Student on hay ride.