Guided by our motto, "Children First, Excellence Always" Idlewild excels through Enriched Science and Technology and has earned the distinction of being ranked in the top 10% of all public schools by the State of Tennessee. Our holistic, differentiated, and rigorous approach to teaching and learning develops every student's talents, intellect, creativity, and character. Idlewild's Enriched Science and Technology Optional Program, nestled in the very heart of Midtown Memphis, offers a joyful, challenging, and creative learning environment for students from more than 28 zip codes across the Mid-South. Our teachers and staff recognize that students learn from each other and create classrooms that embrace sharing diverse cultures, ideas, experiences, interests, and opinions in a safe and nurturing environmet. All students whether they live in the Idlewild district or choose to transfer from other areas, are included in our school's Optional Program. With 117 years of proven excellence, out teachers and staff continue to prepare each student to reach their highest levels of personal growth.