- Delano Elementary
- Before/After-School Programs
Delano Optional Elementary's before and after school care is provided by the YMCA. YCare is available by online registration.
Our curriculum has several components: activities we implement during the week/month include literacy, character development, HEPA, arts and crafts, STEM, global learning, service learning, college and career, homework help time (we make a promise to give all students time to start/complete their homework before 5:15 p.m.).
Contact Information:
Site Phone: 901-431-7127
Email address: customersupport@ymcamemphis.org
YCare Information/Registration
Registration: $25
Before Care Only: $25
Aftercare Only: $40
Both Before and Aftercare: $50
Billing Information:
If you have any questions about your account, please contact our Childcare Billing Department:
Phone- (901) 766-7677
Email- Childcarebilling@ymcamemphis.org
We can be reached by the site phone at (901) 431-7127 between the hours of 6:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. and again between 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Also by email: cordovaelementary@ymcamemphis.org.
Area Coordinator: Brittany Bowman (brittany.bowman@ymcamemphis.org)
YCare Program Director: JoAnn Wolf