- Double Tree Elementary
- Mission & Vision
Double Tree Elementary ~ Mission
Double Tree Dolphins lead with confidence, inspire others, and serve our community with Dolphin PRIDE:
P- PREPARED- We are prepared, and we stay ready.
R- RESPECTFUL—We respect ourselves and the property of others.
I- INTEGRITY- We hold integrity in our hearts because we are honest, truthful, and do what is RIGHT.
D- DATA-DRIVEN- We are data-driven because we strive towards mastery meeting our goals and Never Giving Up!
E- EDUCATED—We are Educated by being Engaged, Empowered, and Exposed. We are encouraged to handle difficult situations by being critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Double Tree Elementary ~ Vision
Double Tree Elementary Optional School is the Best School in the Whole Wide World. We are a hidden GEM in the heart of Westwood, that creates and foster a positive learning environment while developing social skills through community service, data-driven instruction, college and career-ready academics. Our stakeholders implement a spirit of CARE by being effective:
Communicators who are
and Educated by being Respectful, Responsible, and Resourceful.
At Double Tree WE CARE about our future!!