• Morning Arrival

    Students should not be on campus prior to 7:45.

    • 7:50-8:05- Breakfast (breakfast begins Tuesday 8/6/23).
    • 8:05- All other students may enter the school and report to classes. KK-2 enters at the front of the school. 3rd-5th enters at the connector between buildings.
    • 8:15- The official start of the school day. Please be on time. A minute late is a minute of lost learning.

    Early check-outs are not allowed after 2:30.

    Afternoon Dismissal

    • 3:10- Walkers are dismissed to both Stratford and Perkins. These are students who are not boarding into cars on Perkins in the car line. All walkers should cross streets at cross walks only.
    • 3:15- Car riders are dismissed. The car line is in the lane on the side of Perkins closest to the school. PLEASE…stay in your car and wait for your child to report to your car.

    Dismissal Locations

    • Kindergartners must be collected directly from teachers at the front porch on Perkins or from the playground nearest the Kindergarten building on Stratford.
    • 1st Graders will exit from their hallway door on Perkins and from the playground near the Kindergarten building on Stratford
    • 2nd Graders will exit from their hallway door on Perkins and from the playground area near the Kindergarten building on Stratford.
    • 3rd and 4th Graders will exit from the causeway (black cage) towards Perkins and will also line up in the rear near the playground located by the Kindergarten building on Stratford.
    • 5th Graders will exit from the rear exit located at the far end of the 2-story building and walk the track towards the dismissal area along Perkins. 5th graders dismissing on Stratford will also gather near the playground located near the Kindergarten building.

    Quick facts about arrival and dismissal:

    1. Please make sure that your students know for sure if they are to be dismissed to Perkins or Stratford.
    2. Please make sure they understand if they are a walker or a car rider.
    3. Parents should not leave cars parked in the car lane along the Perkins curb next to the school. Leaving a car slows down the flow of the car line.
    4. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE…do not cross your child in the middle of either street. Cross only at a crosswalk. This is a law and a major safety issue.
    5. After 3:35, students will need to be signed out at the main office by a parent.
    6. Picking up children extremely late is considered neglect and must be reported to DCS. We all understand extreme circumstances will happen. Patterns of late pick-up are neglectful behaviors.

    If everyone follows these guidelines, students will learn the most they can possibly learn and be safe. If individuals do not follow these guidelines, problems develop. Please do your part to make sure that Berclair is the safest, most productive school that your child could attend. We love our children and want all to be safe and learn every day. Thank you!!!!


    Clinton Davis, Principal

    Berclair Elementary School