• Student/Teacher/Parent Compact 2024-2025

    Parent/Guardian Agreement

    I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:

    • Ensure my child is present and on time every day.
    • Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline.  
    • Establish a time for homework and review it regularly. 
    • Provide a quiet well-lit place for homework.
    • Encourage my child’s efforts and be available for questions. 
    • Stay aware of what my child is learning checking and signing the AGENDA BOOK daily. 
    • I will volunteer my time at the school.
    • Review progress reports/ report card(s), attend learning opportunities and Parent-Teacher Conferences (virtual and/or in-person).
    • Read with my child daily and let my child see me read.
    • Develop a partnership with the school to help my child achieve the State’s high standards.
    • Discuss the school-parent compact with my child
    • Encourage my child to display positive school behavior at school.
    • Encourage my child by being a positive role model. 
    • Provide a set bedtime that gives my child sufficient sleep to function at school. 
    • Actively participate at Northaven Pre-K-5 school and community programs by serving on committees such as the School Improvement Team, Parent Advisory Council, and PTO.  I will become actively involved in the Community Association and try to improve conditions in the neighborhood.
    • Read the Parent Handbook.

    Student Agreement

    It is important that I work to the best of my ability.  Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:

    • Come to school on time with the necessary supplies/resources and ready to learn.
    • Listen, follow directions, complete and return class work, projects and homework or extra practice assignments.  
    • Observe regular study hours.
    • Respect others and follow the Student Rules of Conduct. Follow the MSCS and Northaven school-wide expectations at all times.
    • Set a goal to meet all academic and behavior expectations of Northaven Elementary.
    • Take responsibility for my actions, show graded work/assignments to my parent/guardian along with notes from the school and show these materials and documents to my parent(s) caregiver(s).

    Teacher Agreement

    It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:

    • Provide high quality, rigorous, grade level and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students daily.
    • Provide necessary assistance to parents so that they can help with assignments. 
    • Encourage students and parents by providing frequent information about student progress using a two-way communication system in addition to the weekly folder.
    • Use special activities in the classroom to make learning enjoyable.  Use a variety of grade appropriate resources to support learning.
    • Read to students daily. 
    • Create and maintain a classroom environment that is conducive to learning for all students.             
    • Encourage students to take risks.
    • Provide instruction that fosters high academics and expectations that encourages students to be the best they can be. 
    • Provide flexible meeting times for parent conferences and learning opportunities that includes virtual TEAM and phone conferences.
    • Commit to doing whatever it takes to ensure that all students make at least one year’s growth during this school year.
    • Promote a warm and inviting virtual classroom to students and parents with the freedom of volunteerism. 

    School’s Responsibility

    I support this form of parent involvement. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:

    • Provide common planning time for teachers in order to improve instruction and encourage collaboration.
    • Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and the student
    • Encourage teachers to regularly provide instructional activities that will encourage our students to think and problem solve. 
    • Provide a safe and secure learning environment. 
    • Collaborate with teachers, parents, and all other appropriate stakeholders to create an environment that is conducive to learning. 
    • Provide a high quality instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children to meet the State’s academic achievement standards.
    • Support all personnel to ensure that the focus is on students learning.  
    • Provide flexible meeting times for parental involvement activities throughout the academic year (including virtual meetings)
    • Provide parents with reasonable access to staff, volunteer, participate, and observe in their child’s class.
    • Committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure all students make at least one year’s growth during this academic school year.