• Ms. Odom's Classroom Expectations

    1. Come into class quiet and prepared everyday.

    2. Remain seated unless instructed otherwise.

    3. Rasie your hand to speak.

    4. Always be respectful to the teacher, peers and guests.

    5. Give your best effort at all times.

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  • Highland Oaks Middle School Classroom Expectations:

    [S]peak respectfully in the classroom.

    - Voice level 0-2 as directed by teacher.

    - Say hello and goodbye to teacher.

    - Report problems to teacher.

    [O]bey all rules in the classroom.

    - Put away supplies in designated location.

    - Complete task.

    - Help others when asked. 

    - Do your own work.

    - Be on time.

    [A]lways give your best effort in the classroom.

    - Stay on task.

    - Turn assignments in on time. 

    - Ask questions to understand.

    - Have supplies.

    [R]espect all property in the classroom.

    - Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

    - Keep chair legs on floor.

    - Use materials as instructed.

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