Southwest Career & Technology Center


  • MSCS Has a New Edulog Bus Transportation Parent Portal App

  • 2024-25 Student Guide to Secondary Education

    The 2024-25 Student Guide to Secondary Education is a useful tool for students and parents to learn about MSCS course offerings, graduation requirements, and policies relevant to the high school program. As your students develop and update their four-year plans, this guide can help them make informed choices about their future plans.

Why Choose Us?

  • →Choose Southwest CTC to earn INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONS and launch yourself into some of the most IN-DEMAND and HIGHEST PAYING careers in the Memphis area as soon as you graduate.

    →Earn COLLEGE CREDIT in our dual enrollment programs.

    →PAID INTERNSHIPS available to our top students while still in high school!

    →Programs Offered: Machining Technology, Carpentry, STEM, Culinary Arts, Barbering, Cosmetology, Welding, Early Childhood Development.

    Click here to view our school choice page!

Contact US

  • To find out more about Southwest CTC, call our office @ (901) 416-8186

    To learn more about a specific program of study or career path you are interested in, go to the Programs of Study page and contact the instructor over the program.

    To investigate choosing Southwest CTC as part of your high school experience, reach out to our Professional School Counselor.


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