- Southwind Elementary School
- Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create an enriching, safe and nurturing environment that provides a strong educational foundation where students work to achieve academic proficiency in all subjects while encouraging all students to obtain the knowledge, skills and abilities to become productive citizens.
Vision Statement
The shared vision of Southwind Elementary is that administration, teachers, parents, and the community will:
- Work as a team to provide and engage all students in meaningful and real-life experiences.
- Ensure that all students achieve academic success.
- Ensure that all students become productive citizens.
- Ensure that all students have a positive impact on our culturally diverse society.
Belief Statements
All students can learn.
The parents, school, and community share a partnership in the responsibility of educating all students.
Working together, teachers can plan to improve school-wide student achievement by identifying individual instructional needs.
Students learn best when engaged in challenging learning environments.
Encouraging students to set and achieve high goals increases their desire to succeed and fulfill their potential.
Students can make appropriate decisions when given a supportive environment.
All students learn best in a safe and comfortable environment.
Students improve their academic and social performance through self-discipline and high expectations.
Multicultural awareness activities improve student adaptability to an ever-changing world.
A strong and varied fine arts program enhances student learning.
Technology is essential to develop student learning and life skills.
Student learning always improves when faculty and staff participate in on-going professional development activities.
The decision-making process is shared by the administration, faculty, staff, parents, students, and community members.
Student learning is enhanced in a school that adheres to all local, state, and federal policies.