

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Suzannah Lang

Welcome to the Friendly Frogs Class! I am Suzannah Lang, and this is my 10th year as a Pre-K teacher with SCS and my 6th year at Wells Station. Before that, I helped start and worked in our family business for 12 years,, taught for 7 years at a private preschool, and also worked as a Substitute Teacher. I received  a BA from Rhodes College, and my Early Childhood Certification from Christian Brothers University.


 My husband, Stephen, and I have been married for 33 years and we have 3 kids. William is a law student at University of Michigan, Virginia is a student at University of Tennessee Chattanooga, and Laura is a student at White Station High School.

I love reading, spending time in nature, doing yoga and kickboxing, and drinking coffee.