


    ​The Mission of Holmes Road Elementary is to build leaders with the academic skills to be competitive, self-managed, socially aware, life-long learners.



    The Vision of Holmes Road Elementary is the facilitation of the building of student foundational skills, planning and obtaining goals and persevering through challenges, in a student centered environment.



    Holmes Road Elementary stakeholders believe in joint decision-making for academic excellence in order for all students to be successful. To achieve our mission and implement the district’s policies, we believe: 

    • The faculty, parents, and community must become partners as we educate the students at Holmes Road Elementary.

    • Given the opportunity and resources, and a safe supportive learning environment all children can learn at higher levels.

    • Students’ learning needs are the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school.

    • Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches to support their learning, so that they are actively engaged in the learning process. We are committed to finding new and innovative ways to teach and assess our students because we know they learn at different levels.

    • Each student is a unique and valued individual whose self-esteem is enhanced by mutual respect between students and staff.

    • Quality education is priceless and worth the investment of time and effort.

    • A variety of assessment methods should be used in determining the achievement levels of students. As professionals in pedagogy, we must be committed to tracking the publication of research-based findings that could have a positive effect on the education of our students. We will also become better educators if we strive to participate in professional development opportunities.

    • Cultural diversity can increase students’ understanding of different people and cultures.

    • The commitment to providing students with essential knowledge and skills is top priority to developing confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.

    • Students deserve a technologically advanced learning community.

    • The learning atmosphere in the classroom setting should be engaging, inviting, and nurturing.

    • Learning is a life-long process that is essential for continuous growth.

    • When making decisions, the best interest of the child should always be a priority. The teachers of Holmes Road must continue to use all testing data and feedback to guide the instruction of our students.

    • We must devise and implement fair and safe school policies that coincide with all district-mandated policies.

    • All stakeholders who have an interest in the success of the school should work together as a community to make decisions and to facilitate optimal educational achievements