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  • Panther  OUR MISSION

    The mission of Sheffield Elementary is to enable all students to reach their greatest potential, work together to achieve their academic goals, and soar high to become college or career ready.



     Sheffield Elementary School provides a high quality education using best practices for all students in a safe and nurturing environment with the support of parents, staff, and the community.


    Sheffield Elementary offers a variety of academics as well as, extracurricular activities designed to build a strong and supportive  school community.  These programs are the bridge that connects the staff with parents, stakeholders, & other community leaders.  Sheffield is more than just a school; it is a community that has grown into lifelong learners together. 

    Some of the programs our school offers are...

    • Families Connect Program
    • Tuesday Talks with the Principal
    • ELOP After & Before School Program
    • Student Advisory Team
    • Sheffield Cheer Team
    • Sheffield Chess Club
    • Latina Memphis
    • Las Americas
    • Agape Child and Family Services


  • Please do not hesitate to give us a call at 901-416-2360 or email us at sheffieldpanthers@gmail.com if have any questions about our school. 

    We are looking forward to the prospect of your family joining our family!