Whitehaven Elementary STEM

Engage. Educate. Empower.


  • logos of the district and WESS state of the school address image of principal

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  • We have made it official!  A huge "thank you" to our faith-based school adopters, Middle Baptist Church, Boulevard Church of Christ, and Whitehaven Baptist Church!  Thank you for what you have done and what you will continue to do for the students, families, and staff at WESS!

    Pictures of School Adopters


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  • WESS Parents,

    SchoolCash Online helps parents and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily. In addition to convenience for yourself, you will help increase efficiency and security at your school by making payments directly into your school's bank account. This allows teachers and secretaries to focus on helping students and not counting cash. In addition, you are immediately informed about school activities!

    Register NOW!

    Registering for your free SchoolCash Online account takes less than two minutes! Visit https://xyz.schoolcashonline.com and click Register. Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact the SchoolCash Online parent help desk by visiting schoolcashonline.com/Home/Support .

    WESS has 2 fun and exciting activities coming up in the month of October! Our annual World Edible Insect Day celebration and STEM-tober Fest. Monies for these events will be collected through SchoolCash, so sign-up now!

    From the Desk of WESS Financial Secretary, Mrs. Cohen schoolcashonline logo

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  • Help your Innovators show WESS pride by ordering uniform apparel that proudly shows our WESS logo.

    WESS Uniform Options

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  • MSCS Has a New Edulog Bus Transportation Parent Portal App

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