• Technology Teachers

    Ms. Hanna and Mrs. Murchison might be able to assist with technical issues. If it is an emergency issue, try the T.R.A.C. support hotline first (901) 416-5300. Because library and computer classes go on throughout the day, the technology team may not get back to you right away.

    • Tech Help for K-2 Ms. Hanna (computer teacher) HannaL@scsk12.org
    • Tech Help for 3-5 Mrs. Murchison (librarian) MurchisonJP@scsk12.org

    You can also contact Ms. Hanna and Mrs. Murchison by a private message in Class Dojo if they are connected to your child's class.


    Call (901) 416-5300
    M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    T.R.A.C. 1 LOCATION 3030 Jackson Ave.
    T.R.A.C. 2 LOCATION 3237 Knight Rd.
    *Call first to be referred to the T.R.A.C.