

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. K. Jones


Welcome to a new school year. My name is Ms. K. Jones. I have been at Sea Isle as librarian since August 2014 . I like the school very much. My areas of endorsement are K-8 teacher and K-12 librarian. My goals are to make learning a pleasure and to develop in the students a lifelong love of reading. The library is open to the students teachers, staff, and parents. Students in grades Pre-K-5 have one scheduled visit per week. Students visit the library for book checkout, story hour, reference and other activities about books and classroom assignments.
Bienvenidos a la biblioteca de la Escuela Sea Isle Mi nombre es Ms. K. Jones y he sido la bibliotecari desde agosto 2014 y me encanta mucho. Yo tengo una maestria mas 45 horas. Mis apoyos son K-8 Maestra y K-12 Bibliotecaria. Mi meta como bibliotedaria es de hacer los estudios un placer y desarrollar el amor por la lectura a los estudiantes La biblioteca esta abierta para los estudiantes, maestros todo el personal y los padres. Los estudiantes del grado K al 5 tienen un horario de vista a la biblioteca una vez por semana y los estudiantes de kinder tienen dos horarios por semana. Los estudiantes visitan la biblioteca para sacar libros, se les leen lesturas y actividades que se les dan para que entiendan algunas lecturas y lecciones.


If it's in my hands--to learn, to do, to explore, to choose, and to respond--how will a unit of study on nonfiction books help me in my quest to become an independent library user? Join in the work and the fun during your scheduled Library Class to find the answer to this guiding question.