Craigmont Middle


    At Craigmont Middle, we are the only Optional and International Studies Middle in Shelby County. We are located on the corner of Covington Pike and Yale Rd. Our School ours are from 7:15AM- 3:15PM, with the extra hour for enrichment. 

    At Craigmont Middle, our goal is to be a high achieving school that matches the hard work of the students and teachers. Academics is our top priority but we also have a variety of extracurricular activites for students to be involved in such as, concert and performing band, choir, cheerleading, majorettes, girls and boys basketball, and a debate team just to name a few. Our programs are geared towards meeting the needs of our families and students. We are a community school that involves our stakeholders in all major decisions to ensure we are leading our students in an upward trend. 

  • Craigmont has many opportunities

    football, girls’ soccer, girls’ volleyball,
    girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball,
    boys’ soccer, girls’ track, boys’ track,
    baseball, and softball


    Clubs offered at Craigmont Middle:

    Board Games, Charming Chiefs, Boys to Men, 
    Debate Team, Elite Ladies, Junior Explorers, 
    Gamers, History Club, International Studies, 
    Karaoke, Beta Club, Robotics, Science/Gardening, 
    Student Council, and 


    Exploratory Classes offered at Craigmont Middle:

    Physical Education, Band, Choir, Strings / Orchestra, 

    Spanish, AVID, Elevate – taking reading to new heights, and 

    CTE – Career Technical Education

  • Students that live within our school attendance zone do not have to submit a school choice application. They can simply register when the early registration period opens for the new school year. 

    Students who live outside of the attendance zone can submit a General Choice transfer application starting January 26th, 2021. Applications are based on avilable space in the school and processed in the order they are received.

    School Choice Links:

  • If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us:

    Phone: 901-416-7780


    Fax: 901-416-1454

    Follow us on instragram: craigmontmiddleschool

    Follow us on facebook: Craigmont Middle School